Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A digest of what's happening now with what's Ron Paul Campaign

How to Support Ron Paul For President:

Newsletter Dec. 7

Compiled by Patricia Mikkelson livablefutureproject@gmail.com

This is the best of the best of all the hundred or so emails I receive daily about the Ron Paul Freedom Movement. I am on what I consider to be about 25 key mailing lists, and I hope that I can present to you very inspiring and helpful information. If you can print any of this out and share it with people who are not on line, please do so. Also, if you can get a portable dvd player (about $70) you can show dvd’s to people.

Pledge for the Tea Party on Dec. 16. Even if all you do is give $5—the number of donors is important, too. Sign up now! http://www.teaparty07.com/

Ron Paul on PBS this Friday evening on NOW Click link for more information

Please Ignore Ron Paul: A letter to the mainstream media about why they will fail in their efforts to discount Ron Paul. A real tear jerker!


Homeschooling Brochure from RP Campaign Headquarters…Lovely!


The campaign is going to print the above flier for us, but they need to have an estimate of how many to print. They can be used as slim jims, mailers or inserts in newsletters/magazines. Give some thought as to how many you can get out and really explore every avenue. Can you leave a stack at a Homeschool supply store? Or maybe a stack at the library or other public building frequented by homeschoolers? How many can you pass out at your next homeschool meeting or field trip? How many homeschoolers can you mail one to? Can you mail one to the publishers of the curriculum you use or the homeschooling publications you read? Can you insert them into a local newsletter?

Please email me (not the list) and let me know how many you would need.

Let's get creative!

What you can do every day to help…print this and put on your refrigerator.

> Lawrence Lepard is the person who recently ran the full page Ron Paul ad in USA today. His comments/article to all of us on Daily Paul is found here: http://www.dailypaul.com/node/12519
> Mr. Lepard wrote "WE ALL MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Every conversation, every person converted, every e-mail, every effort, it all counts".
> I couldn't agree more. Here's some suggestions to get more primary votes during the Holidays:
> 1. Voter registration forms. Get them and keep them with you. Bug your friends, family and neighbors to get registered to vote republican. Always have the forms on hand and ready to go. Don't assume they are already registered. Ask, inquire, dig, and find out.
> 2. Take fliers and slim jims to Grandma's house for Christmas. And bring a Ron Paul DVD with you to share while your opening-up the presents.
> 3. Write a heartfelt letter to everyone in your address book. Include fliers, and a list of YouTube video titles to watch.
> 4. When discussing Ron Paul, tell them he's never let his patients, his family, or the American public down in 50 years of loving service. He never has. He never will.
> 5. Remind them that our country is lost and traveling down the wrong highway. Explain to them that the road map is right in front of our noses. It's called the United States Constitution.
> 6. Tell them that first and foremost, Ron Paul is a Constitutionalist.
> 7. Talk to someone, anyone, EVERYONE about Ron Paul. If you don't tell others about Ron Paul, who will?
> 8. Talk about his character as a husband, father, grandfather, educator, author, doctor, flight surgeon, and Statesman; an educated man of honor, principal and integrity. Tell them you love, respect, and TRUST him. Promise them that you know for certain that he will never let us down.
> 9. Plead with them not to waste their vote on a single other candidate. Voting for anyone else is a vote for business as usual in D.C. More wars, more taxes, more inflation, more lies, bigger government, and less freedom for the American people.
> 10. Have a long talk with yourself. Ask yourself why you haven't walked out your front door and talked to 100 of your neighbors? Why not? You could do this in one weekend. Just speak from your heart and tell them about your Hero. That's all there is to it. Here's a wonderful training video that shows how it done. It's only 12 minutes long: http://ronpaulreveres.com/canvassin...
> 11. The republican nomination is not for sale. Expensive radio and TV ads won't buy it. We have to work/earn it by winning their hearts and minds.
> No one can finish the R3volution but ourselves.

Someone is going to paint a whole house to promote Ron Paul!


I have requested addresses from these folks. I hope ten people will volunteer to help write letters. We can do these at our meetup on Thursday--maybe even get some press coverage--it is such a unique idea! These guys are organized! We will need donations of stamps, envelopes, paper. I will make a message on the message board where we can discuss this. http://ronpaul.meetup.com/555/boards/view/viewthread?thread=3914346&lastpage=yes#13476769

Forget the jaded pundits, the rigged polls and disrespectful media. Here's what I see happening in Iowa and NH. What do you think?

There's only one thing we can directly influence, and that's how our local community votes. Let's each commit to deliver San Francisco to Ron Paul!

I'll be out canvassing tomorrow; I hope you will be too!

Media Target of the Day

CBS Up To The Minute

Posted: 08 Dec 2007 04:43 AM CST

Please make a request to Up To The Minute (CBS overnight broadcast). Hopefully they will run a piece on Ron Paul if we send enough emails.

Email address:

Thank you

This is so Ron Paul. What a 'sweet' story....Highly inspirational, and a great something to send to doubters.



Please vote in this week's WHO Radio presidential elimination poll. Vote here:


Your vote if verified via email.

Ron Paul Wins (1st pl) West Virginia Delegates:::::!!!!!

It is being reported at:


217 Paul
212 Romney
163 Thompson
129 Huckabee
90 Giuliani
25 McCain
7 Hunter
5 Keyes
0 Tancredo

tim pugh to ronpaul-115

Idea for our own New Year’s eve gathering:

show details 8:22 AM (23 hours ago)


Is there a chance maybe we get/campain get like a place and have a new years celebration. I am talking about All ages gathering including music, maybe food, donation box/funder raiser, dancing, maybe Ron Paul. No Alcohol!!! got to keep it clean for campain. and see how many people we could get there, If nothing else charge a small cover, proceeds go to the campain. Have a Ron Paul New Years Bash. Loads of fun and hopefully break out new supporters, and get some attn. Could be held anywhere in iowa, looks like he will be in state.

We just got here at the airfield and they said there is no problem with us having the Launch Rally here after all! The primary issue is regarding the hanger itself being off limits.

So, we hope you are spreading the word about the Ron Paul Blimp to your Meetup group so we can get a crowd here!

We realize it would have been best if the launch date had been set in stone, but the art banners being constructed typically take months, yet Airship Management Services is working with professionals on this to get them here in an unprecedented time frame.

As soon as we have a more definite launch time, and have approval to make the location public, we will release this information. Keep a check on the RonPaulBlimp.com website, as we will be providing updates to the schedule as we get them.

Thank you so much for being patient in this historic and monumental occasion for the cause of LIBERTY!


bernard baruch carman

- seeker of truth / seeder of truth • www.SeedsOfTruth.orgwww.FellowshipOfTheWord.org

- Born to Win supporter • www.BornToWin.net

- Ron Paul Revolutionwww.RonPaul2008.com • Google Ron Paul!

- We The People supporter • www.GiveMeLiberty.org

- audio/mac specialist • infinity solutions • bbc@infinitygames.com



We are mobilizing the TROOPS! This event is being organized by the Phoenix Meetup group ( www.ronpaul.meetup.com/7), but anyone is invited to participate! This competition is for PHONE CALLING and DOOR-to-DOOR CANVASSING! (So if you live out of state, you're welcome, too!)


Prizes include:

$25 gift certificates to Target

$25 gift certificates to Pier One Imports

Harkins Movie tickets

Ron Paul R3VOLUTION t-shirts

The person who logs the most time between December 9, 2007 and February 5, 2008 will win the grand prize!

an autographed copy of

A Foreign Policy of Freedom

by Ron Paul!

Imus Followup

Posted: 11 Dec 2007 05:18 AM CST

Hopefully another wave of emails/calls will get Ron on Imus.

Whether you love him or hate him many people listen to him. Don Imus is back on radio(77 WABC-AM) and television (RFD-TV, simulcast).

Lets request that both outlets invite Dr. Paul on the show.

email addresses

Time: Weekday Mornings 6-10AM
Call IN: 877-950-IMUS
WABC Call in:1-800-848-WABC (nationwide)
Listen Live


Please be polite.

Announcing a new event for Ron Paul 2008 Meetups!

What: Put ronpaul2008. com on screen in TIMES SQUARE on December 16 for
Tea Party 07.

When: Tuesday, December 11, All Day Long.

Where: (A location for this event hasn't been chosen yet)

Event Description: Our ingenious Ron Paul supporters are at it again!
A group is trying to raise $50,000 to put ronpaul2008. com on one of
the monitors in Times Square on December 16 to display the fundraising
totals as they're updated in real time during Tea Party 07. Folks,
this is the opportunity of a lifetime and a totally unprecedented
event. There is absolutely NO WAY the media can ignore THIS ONE! There
will be live camera shots on cable news networks looking at Times
Square throughout the day, especially with the heavy media
concentration in New York. Oh: did I mention the MILLIONS of people
who will be walking through Times Square on that day?

Let's do this. Please donate here:

http://ronpaultime. com/

To put this in perspective of how relatively small a contribution this
is, they need only for 1,000 people to donate $50 per pop.

They have to have the money by tomorrow night, so go ahead and donate!

Learn more here:
http://ronpaul. meetup.com/ 52/calendar/ 6893278/

They are about to vote to send billions more of your dollars to the war
and occupations and also to make us all terrorists just for thinking
about things that they consider dangerous.

Do not forget to call your senators and representatives and tell them
not to fund the war (again) and tell your SENATORS not to support SR
1955 the homeland terrorist act. Call again and again. Any time you
think of it. They never ask who you are. Sometimes they ask for a zip
code to be sure you are a constituent.

find your representative:

find senators:

the toll free congressional switchboard number is 1-888-851-1879
and or:.
1 (800) 828 - 0498
1 (800) 459 - 1887
1 (800) 614 - 2803
1 (866) 340 - 9281
1 (866) 338 - 1015
1 (877) 851 - 6437

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